Plática con el abogado / Talk with a lawyer

Event Date


Algunas veces corren rumores que se extienden rápido en nuestras comunidades, causando miedos e inseguridad, por eso es importante estar bien informados y así prepararnos de una manera proactiva. Le invitamos a participar en una platica con un abogado especializado en asuntos relacionados a migración. La presentación será en español.

¡Regístrese aquí! 

Sometimes there are rumors spreading fast in our communities, causing fear and insecurity, which is why it is important to be well informed and prepared. We invite you to participate in a talk with a lawyer specialized in matters related to immigration. The presentation will be in Spanish.

Register here!

Funding for this training was made possible by a grant/cooperative agreement from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Agricultural Marketing Service. Its contents are solely the responsibility of WCAHS and do not necessarily represent the official views of the USDA.