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Can Working in Polytunnels Affect Farmworker Health and Safety?

En español

Polytunnels, also known as hoop houses, are commonly used in farming across the U.S. They have a similar function as greenhouses: they protect plants from low temperatures and precipitation. Polytunnels are popular because they are flexible to use and relatively cheap to build. They are made of a metal or PVC skeleton covered with a thick, clear sheet of plastic. In California, polytunnels are used to grow berries, tomatoes, and flowers.

How To Take Leave From Work In California

En español

It is important to know your rights for taking leave if you become sick or are unable work due to disability or pregnancy. Described below are the different types of leave benefits that you may qualify for if you are living in California.

Training Frontline Supervisors is a Good Business Practice

En español

Frontline Supervisors play an important role not only in securing successful production, but also in encouraging a safe workplace culture. The role of frontline supervisors in supporting health and safety is currently being highlighted with the new health and safety challenges that are affecting agriculture.

How Do We Balance Safety and New Technology?

En español

This article summarizes the Emerging Technology in Agriculture: Keeping Health and Safety at the Forefront workshop, which was hosted by the UC Davis Western Center for Agricultural Health and Safety (WCHAS) on Thursday, May 11, 2023. WCAHS organized the workshop in response to the increased interest in agricultural technology and the need to ensure the safety of farmworkers coming in contact with technologies that may pose new hazards.

Be Heat Savvy!

En español 

Summer is here, and higher than average heat will be affecting our communities and outdoor workplaces. Here are some practical steps you can take to reduce your risk of heat illness.  

Drink water early and often

Just like you cannot go at high speed if your car is low on coolant, your body needs water to cope with high temperatures! 

ATV Safety Concerns Prompt UC Davis Study

All-terrain vehicles (ATVs)—off-road, motorized vehicles with three or four tires—are commonly used by farmers and ranchers to apply fertilizers, inspect livestock or crops, and carry or tow implements. There are approximately 11 million ATVs in the US, with 21% of those being used in agriculture.

SAFE Program Funding Renewed

In the summer of 2022, WCAHS received funding from the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) to continue COVID-19 outreach and training with community and industry partners through June 2023.