Farmworkers harvesting lettuce

IIPP Assignment of Responsibilities

En español

Before developing an Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP), it is necessary to identify the individual(s) that will manage the safety program, as well as to establish roles and assignments.

Being in charge of a safety program is an important role that comes with the responsibilities of:

  • Looking out for employees
  • Encouraging a serious approach to health and safety
  • Maintaining compliance with Cal/OSHA requirements

It is also important to ensure that the safety program coordinator(s) is knowledgeable about the workplace’s health and safety issues and hazard control measures.

Once an individual(s) have been assigned, they:

  1. Must be identified by name in the written IIPP
  2. Must be given full support by management

Note: If the workplace is a “non-fixed worksite”, there should be at least one person identified by name at each location to be in charge of employee safety as Safety Coordinator. There may be other regulations that require the on-site person to be trained in additional safety procedures (such as the High Heat Procedures under Title 8 CCR §3395).

A system should be set in place for all safety coordinators to communicate regularly with one another, along with the IIPP administrators. If a health and safety committee has been established, safety coordinators should be included as members of the committee.

All employees should know who the IIPP administrator is, as well as the safety coordinators if there are non-fixed sites. This allows employees to know who they can approach should a health or safety issue come up. It is also important for those in charge to have open communication with employees and involve them in health and safety related issues so that everyone is on the same page and employees feel comfortable addressing any concerns they may have or potential health and safety hazards.

Additional Resources

This article is based on the Worker Occupational Safety and Health Training and Education Program (WOSHTEP) administered by the Commission on Health and Safety and Workers' Compensation in the California Department of Industrial Relations through interagency agreements with the Labor Occupational Health Program at the University of California, Berkeley; the Western Center for Agricultural Health and Safety at the University of California, Davis; and the Labor Occupational Safety and Health Program at the University of California, Los Angeles.
