Construction Worker

Overview of Cal/OSHA’s Injury & Illness Prevention Program Standard

En español

Cal/OSHA has several requirements for employers in California, one in particular involves the Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP). As stated by Cal/OSHA’s IIPP standard, it is a requirement that all employers establish, implement, and maintain a written IIPP that describes the workplace’s health and safety program, including the eight important elements described below, and how they will be implemented.

  1. Assignment of the responsibility for safety – Describes who will be in charge of the safety program and what their roles and assignments will be.
  2. Systems for ensuring employee compliance with safety procedures – Should be periodically reviewed and updated to reflect present conditions.
  3. Communication with employees and methods for involving them in safety-related activities – Must be in a language and manner that employees understand. 
  4. Hazard assessment/inspection – Should be done periodically to assess work environment for health and safety hazards that can cause injuries and illnesses. 
  5. Investigations of occupational injuries, occupational illnesses, and accidents – Must be completed by trained supervisors, managers, or other knowledgeable persons.
  6. Correction of hazards – Must be corrected in a timely manner after they have been identified.
  7. Occupational safety and health training – Must be provided to permanent and intermittent workers.
  8. Recordkeeping and documentation of program – Must be efficient and effective in implementing IIPP.
  9. Employee access to the programadopted on January 16, 2020, which requires employers to provide employees with access to their written IIPP within five days of an employee's request.

Once the IIPP has been established and implemented, a copy of the plan should be maintained at each worksite. A copy must be kept at the central workplace if the employer has non-fixed worksites.

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